Q: How do I become a member of COA?
A: Simple! Just stop into the Chapin Senior Center and sign up.
There is no age requirement, although our bylaws focus on serving folks 55 years or older.
We don’t turn away anyone based on age.
Q: How much does it cost for membership?
A: Nothing! We do not charge for membership. But, we do ask a couple times a year for a charitable donation and some classes and programs do have a small fee attached. COA is a charitable non-profit organization and a qualified 501 (c)(3) entity that operates through charitable gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations.
Q: When is the Chapin Senior Center open?
A: We're open Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm, except when noted. We occasionally close the center when the weather is uncooperative. If the Kearsarge Regional Schools are delayed or closed, COA will be as well.
Q: Is the Chapin Senior Center open for me to drop in and socialize?
A: Yes, during regular hours you are welcome to visit our library and living room areas, work on a puzzle, join friends for fresh coffee or tea, or just sit on the sofa and read the local newspapers.
We are a very casual, open environment and simply ask that you be respectful of others and bring with you a kindness that our community expects.
Q: If I have an idea about a new program or activity, what do I do?
A: We are always open to new and creative programs, services, and activities, and welcome your ideas. Simply speak to one of our four staff members or send us an email. Please remember that we serve a diverse audience of seniors and have experimented and tested innovative programs throughout the 30+ years of our existence, so it is possible that we have tried your idea before and for some reason it did not work at the time. But, we are open to trying things again!
Q: How can I get a ride if I’m brand new to the program?
A: Our transportation program is 100% volunteer driven, with administrative oversight. If you'd like to receive transportation services contact us at 603.526.6368 or seniorrides@coachapincenter. A pre-qualification interview will be conducted over the phone. If additional information is needed, a staff member will visit you at your home. We do this so that we better understand your needs and also protect the integrity of our all-volunteer transportation program. Upon a successful assessment, you will be able to submit requests for rides.
Q: Can you guarantee me a ride when I need it?
A: Our transportation program operates with the generosity of our volunteer drivers and front desk schedulers. Keep in mind that we must match and coordinate many things: the time of day, the location of pick up, the location of your appointment, whether you need assistance to and from the car, whether you travel with mobility equipment, the length of your appointment, and of course, the availability of a driver. We do our best to accommodate transportation requests, but cannot guarantee a ride.
Q: My doctor told me about your mobility equipment loan program. What is that?
A: Please go to our mobility equipment section and read about this great program. This program is offered at no cost to our members and community-at-large. You will be asked to sign a waiver/loan form. We do not size or prescribe specific equipment. Since we rely on donated items, we cannot guarantee that we will have what you are looking for. We operate this program on a first-come/first-served basis, and generally do not hold equipment for more than a few days.
Q: How do we thank those volunteers who drive for COA?
A: First and foremost, be gracious and kind. Thank them for their time and effort. That goes a long way! Our volunteers use their own vehicles and pay for their own insurance and fuel. And at the end of the year, kindly consider sending COA a charitable gift.
Q: COA and all of the staff and volunteers at the Chapin Senior Center are great to me! How do I thank you?
A: Our role is to be welcoming, gracious, respectful, and professional. Your smiles and pleasant conversation are great indicators of your appreciation. Please understand that we operate 100% based on charitable contributions. Your support, both annually through our mailing and by naming COA in your estate plans/will, are always appreciated.