37 Pleasant Street | New London, NH | 603.526.6368


The Outdoor Recreation for Seniors (ORFS) group meets every Tuesday year-round at 10am. In the summer we kayak/canoe, swim and hike. In the fall we hike, and in the winter we snowshoe and cross-country ski. Our trips are from 1-1/2 to 2 hours, followed by lunch. ORFS is a very informal group and participation is for all outdoor enthusiasts wanting guaranteed good exercise with a friendly fun group. Join in on the fun. Hikes will depart promptly at 10am.

Please NOTE: ORFS events are listed on the MEETUP digital platform that allows members to indicate their planned attendance at a specific event, be notified of event cancellations/changes, and be able to communicate with fellow members.


April 1st:

Hiking at the Goodwin Conservation Area

Leaders: John & Judy Reisch, 603-443-3780

The Goodwin Conservation Area comprises 108 acres with 2.8 miles of trail. The property is bounded on its westerly side by the Storr’s Hill Ski Area, and Great Brook flows near its northerly boundary.

The hiking trails follow a brook and pass by a large ski jump.

A trail map is available by clicking here.

We will plan to have lunch at Three Tomatoes Italian Restaurant, which is on the green in Lebanon at 1 Court Street.

Directions from New London:
Interstate 89 North to exit 17. Left onto Route 4 West into Lebanon. Circle ¾ of the way around Colburn Park in Lebanon and turn right onto Route 120 South (School St.), take a right on Spring St. and follow to Storr’s Hill Ski Area Parking lot. The Goodwin Conservation trails start from here.

April 8th:

Walk Around Eagle Pond, Wilmot

Leaders: Kendall & Judy Buck, 603-608-6670

This walk is an approximate 3.4 miles loop, a combination of Northern Rail trail and local roads. The rail trail may still be snow and ice covered so bring your micro spikes.

Weather permitting, bring chairs and a bag lunch to enjoy after the walk.

Directions: From the intersection of Routes 11 and 4 in Andover drive north on Route 4 towards Danbury for approximately 2 miles.The public parking area is on the left just beyond New Canada Road.

April 15th:

Hike Winnipesaukee River Rail Trail

Leaders: Joy & Joe Kubit, 440-488-4724

Enjoy the Class 4 rapids along the river interspersed with historical markers. Trail is a mixture of asphalt and crushed stone. Go as far as you like out and back.

Weather permitting bring a bag lunch and chairs to enjoy lunch at Trestle View Park. Lunch Option- Asian Delight, Franklin

Directions: From New London take Route 11 past Highland Lake and Webster Lake towards Franklin. Go right on Route 11 (N Main St.), then left on Central Street. (Routes 11, US3, 127). Follow through town. Park in Trestle View Park on left, just past downtown stores.

April 22nd:

Goshen Ocean - Hike Ruth LeClair Trail around Gunnison Lake

Hike Leaders: Sharon & Jim Coer (203-671-5180).

We will walk around the picturesque lake on a wooded trail. Also, there is an old cemetery across the dam at the entrance to the hiking trail. Bring chairs and a bag lunch to enjoy, if nice day. Directions: From rotary on Newport Road in New London take County

Road south towards Newbury which becomes Route 103A. Turn right onto Route 103 in Newbury. Go 3.6 miles and turn left on Brook Road. At 1.5 miles keep left on Brook Road. In 4 more miles turn left on Mill Village Road (Route 10 South). In 0.6 miles keep left

on Washington Road. In 0.6 miles turn left onto Gunnison Lake Road to parking lot.

April 29th:

Hike Knights Hill Nature Park Trails

Leaders: Kendall & Judy Buck, 603-608-6670

The Knights Hill Nature Park Trail System provides public access to lands owned by the New London Outing Club and protected by New London Conservation Commission conservation easements.

Five interconnected trails are in the nature park plus a connector link to the Lyon Brook Trail.

Click here for details on the trails including map.

Bring chairs and your lunch to enjoy at the conclusion of the hike.

Directions: From Newport Road in New London turn onto County Road from the rotary and continue past New London Hospital to trail head parking lot on left.


ORFS Safety Guidelines

ORFS Group Forms